Every incoming class of new members forms their own executive board which plans events for the whole chapter. Meet the Beta Epsilon E-board!

President Evelyn Zizelman

Evelyn (Ev) Zizelmann is a senior English and Literary Studies major with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She runs the NIM E-board as President, maintains communication with the rest of the chapter, and has chaired multiple events for APO while helping to create and run projects for the Beta Epsilon class.

Secretary Veronica Klenk

My name is Veronica Klenk and I'm the NIM Secretary! I'm a new transfer to Ramapo and am currently a junior. My major is Environmental Science!

Historian Mia Shaw

My name is Mia Shaw. I am a Junior Social Science major at Ramapo. I am the NIM Historian! I chose this position because I love taking photographs and wanted to be more involved in my class and APO.

NIM E-board events


E-Board members Veronica and Ev taught participants the basics on how to crochet.


The service project is not traditional- that is, it doesn't require people to be anywhere at a specific time. We are encouraging people to donate gently used clothing (up to six pieces) that will go on to help the homeless and others who need it. The selected organization is Big Brothers, Big Sisters, which reuses clothing in different areas and accepts many types of donations.


Our bake sale fundraising event was a two-parter; first a felly for baking the goods, and then the actual event of selling them soon after. The collected funds are going towards placing UV panels on Ramapo windows. Birds cannot see windows and have been flying into the glass. There is a team that sweeps the campus every morning and the average of these birds found dead upon impact is three a day! The UV panels do not affect humans, but would help the birds to see the windows.

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