Motivating Others

Motivating your fellow officers and club members to stay on tasks and excited is a lot of work! There is no easy answer, but hopefully using some tools that we discuss here and from your own experience you can help motivate others.

Relationship Matter

You probably know that it is easier to get your friends to do what you want compared to people you are not really close to. This is why creating relationships with other officers and club members matter. You can find out way to start a relationship in the Team Building and Retreats sections. The stronger your relationship with others the more likely people will invest in your ideas and leadership.

How to Motivate Others?

Not 1 size fits all

Each person is motivated by different things and respond to different methods. It is really important that what you use for one person may not work for someone else.

This graphic are just some ways for you to motivate others around you. You will also find that the more you use these techniques the easier they will fold into other parts of your life.

It is might be easiest to start with what motivates you to do something and build from there.

Details Matter

Personalizing feedback and information is important. If you always call someone the wrong name and then ask them do to something, what is the likelihood they will do it?

It can be really hard to adopt some of these suggestions, but the more you use them, the easier it becomes.