
CSI and SGA oversee the recharterment process for clubs and organizations. To ensure that all organizations are rechartered every three years, the Club and Finance Committee divides the total number of registered organization into 3 groups alphabetically.

What's Does Recharterment Mean?

Recharterment is a process to ensure your club is meaning all requirements to be in good standing. To help facilitate this process, the Student Government Vice President will be your guide and advocate. This process does not judge you as an individual but your entire organization.

You will need to complete the following process:

Club Requirements

You must meet all club requirements before moving to the next step.

Group Presentation

You will present to the Club and Finance Committee (CFC) about your organization. CFC will vote to support/deny/approve with restriction(s).

SGA Approval

With CFC's notes and comments, process moves to SGA Senate for a full vote.

Results will be shared by SGA VP once completed.