LGBTQ+ Resources

The following resources are specifically for individuals who are in the LGBTQ+ Community. These resources are a safe space for all. For on campus LGBTQ+ services please email

Please contact 9-1-1 if you are in immediate danger

National Coalition of Anti-Violence


A coalition of programs that document and advocate for victims of anti-LGBT and anti-HIV/AIDS violence/harassment, domestic violence, sexual assault, police misconduct and other forms of victimization.

The Trevor Project


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Help and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth

TrevorSpace — An online international peer-to-peer community for LGBTQ young people and their friends.

Trevor Support Center — Where LGBTQ youth and allies can find answers to FAQs and explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity and more.

LGBT National Hotline

888.THE.GLNH (843.4564)

Call center that refers to over 15,000 resources across the country that support LGBTQ individuals.

Services provided are always free & confidential.

We are the only LGBT organization that offers national support, resources, and information directly.

All calls and online services are provided by highly trained LGBTQ volunteers. Calls are never out sourced or answered by other affiliated organizations.



For Ourselves: Reworking Gender Expression

Home to the Transgender Sexual Violence Project. Provides services and publishes research for transgender persons experiencing violence and their loved ones.